Art Sponsorship Management Toolkit

Dancing to a different tunes

1: Dancing to a different tunes

Introduces the toolkit designed to review, refresh and enhance art sponsorship practice, as well as highlights the shift towards a strategic partnership approach to art sponorship.

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Engaging the muse

2: Engaging the muse

Deals with the preparation work required before engaging with an art property or project, including decisions about objectives, target audiences, and the art property.

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Engaging the muse

3: Singing in harmony

This section of the toolkit deals with the engagement period, rights negotiation and establishing the grounds for cooperative relationships.

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Engaging the muse

4: Activating the performance

This section of the toolkit deals with the numerous internal and external art sponsorship leverage opportunities available to companies.

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Engaging the muse

5: Making the impact

Tracking methods and the application of measurement tools in relationship to sponsorshipobjectives are explored in this section.

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Engaging the muse

6: Curtain Call

Sponsor's considerations when renewing or exiting involvement in the arts, as well as the management of multiple sponsorships are discussed in this section.

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